Let me confess. I do not have Alexa in my home, and I might never invite her in. 


I was born at the tail end of the Baby Boomer era, and to me, Alexa smacks of something eerily Orwellian.  OK, "1984" was published in 1949, and the Future seemed a long ways away back then, but the novel reads an awful lot like a documentary on the current state of affairs in which we find ourselves today ... government propaganda, perpetual war, double-speak, news-speak (think of the "lying journalists," which is an oxymoron to explore some day), and yes, Big Brother.

"Big Brother is Watching You."

Pan forward. And here we are in the 21st Century with a curious form of A.I. that is Hearing You.

She beckons to your commands, and she answers your questions.  But, is she the only one listening?

It didn't take long for third-party entrepreneurs to jump on the bandwagon, and Guess What?

Here come the Realtors. Ask Alexa about real estate and you can get connected with local realtors who are offering market insights and, well ... I'm not sure just yet ... but I listened to some of the demo ads, and what's cool is that you can hear Us Realtors in our own voice, however educated (or not) we might be.

Not a bad idea, right?

My mother had a saying, "I knew he was lying as soon as he said, 'Hello."  Never really made sense to me as a kid, but it's true. An impression is made within seconds of meeting someone, and hearing us realtors talking in our own voice tells you a lot more about whether you'd like to work with us than just looking at a pretty picture.

It elevates us beyond the beauty contest.


Hey, for $49, I might just give it a try. So the next time you ask Alexa, "Is this a good time to buy property in Tahoe?" You might just hear from me!  (Or if you don't want to listen to all the noise, just tune in here, where you'll find solid market news on Tahoe & Reno)

~ Jackie


Posted by Jackie Ginley on


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