Incline Village Burnt Cedar Beach

Condo or Single-Family Home?

So you want a condo in Tahoe? Or maybe a cabin of your own with a little yard, and elbow room, and no homeowner's fees. Condo or single-family home?  Close to half of my buyers flipped-flopped on this question last year, and buyers who are on the fence ask the same question: which one is better for me?  The answer depends on your goals.

Convenience vs. Constraints    

Most condos and townhomes are maintained by a homeowner's association, eliminating the need for costly exterior repairs, landscape maintenance and snow removal. The convenience of a turn-key vacation property in your favorite destination is a price worth paying for some.  If you work long hours at a stressful city job all week, the last thing you…

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Who hasn't dreamed at some point about a cabin at the lake, especially Tahoe, with its grandeur and year-round recreation. As we round into the final dog days of summer, this week is possibly the best time of year for seeing those lakeside cabins. The days are hot, and the afternoons are often broken by thunderstorms that blanket the forest with cool rain and invite a welcome retreat to the shelter of a covered porch.

In the spirit of summer, I'd like to to offer you 7 of my personal picks for charming cabins at or near a lake in Tahoe (plus a few tips for buying one that will also serve you well throughout the winter).


537 Log Cabin Rd, Meeks Bay  $595,000 

Built in 1936, this cabin is a testament to a generation that looked to Tahoe for a…

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Buy vs Rent?  For young couples, that has long been a decision motivated largely by the desire to grow a family. But millennials are bucking the trend. In a recent nationwide study, buyers aged 18 to 36  cite their dog's need for more space as the top reason for buying a home. In fact, dogs ranked higher for the reasons to buy than having children or getting married.

A third of the buyers polled said their #1 reason for buying a home was to have more space for their dogs. Maybe this is surprising for a national poll, like the sample surveyed for the SunTrust Mortgage study. But in Tahoe, dogs have long ruled the home front (and the roads, and the beach, and the list goes on).  

Many Tahoe hotels welcome dogs, and some gourmet restaurants like…

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