Check out today's Wall Street Journal for an interesting national take on what's happening in Reno and the Tahoe Reno Industrial Center.  ("Reno Sees Future, and It Isn't Casinos" WSJ 10/24/15)

Old news, perhaps, for those who have seen the Industrial park grow to a size that dwarfs even Reno itself. With private rail connections to the Union Pacific, industrial park businesses can get a cargo container delivered to the Port of Oakland and have it shipped via rail to their back door.  For internet-based businesses, this means one-day shipping from Seattle to San Diego. Combine that with Nevada's favorable tax climate, easy access to Interstate 80 and an eager supply of workers, and you have an incredible cocktail for business success.

I first…

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One topic that's really gotten a lot of discussion in my circles lately has been downtown Reno, and by extension, what we call "Midtown." A year ago, I tried to convince a newspaper friend of mine from the City (caps for SF) to consider an article about the changes taking place here.  Mark Estee, a Johnson and Wales-trained chef who has been taking over the downtown culinary scene had recently opened his Heritage Restaurant on the bottom floor of the Whitney Peak Hotel (no smoking, no slot machines, and the hotel that broke the Reno mold is getting great reviews from as far afield as England as Reno's new "hip" hangout ~ fancy that). It was a tough sell.

But since that time, I have seen the transformation first-hand. Downtown Reno, long a freeway ad…

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