Homes for Sale in St. James Village & Galena Forest

Gated or Open?

Two communities, side-by-side. One gated; one un-gated. One planned; the other a little free-form.  Whichever you prefer, if you are looking for a home with a Reno address that feels more like living in Tahoe, both of these communities off Mt. Rose Highway are worth a look. (read more)

Galena | St. James Village

Galena Forest ~ Big Trees and Privacy

In the Galena Forest off Joy Lake Road you will find a mix of housing styles, from true log homes to Craftsman-style chalets like you might see at Lake Tahoe. Galena Homes tend to sit on larger lots, offering nice privacy and a sense of truly being "in" the woods. Fireplaces are common in many homes here, as is the country porch.

St. James Village, the Hidden Gem

Toward the end of Joy Lake Road, St. James Village lies behind a beautiful stone gatehouse. Homes here tend to be larger, and a little more contemporary that in Galena Forest. Think: European chateau-style with stucco exteriors and vaulted beamed ceilings. The community extends down the mountain toward I-580, where you'll find a back gate.  And as you get closer to the highway, the topography morphs more toward the high desert terrain that characterizes much of Reno.

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Lake Tahoe waterfront home